The Science of Life and Consciousness

The Science of Life and Consciousness series is a two book popular science series.

All conscious adults have lived longer than it takes to complete a PhD, so when it comes to the subject of life and consciousness, we should all be experts.

Unfortunately, despite the accumulated years of study, ‘life’ and ‘consciousness’ are subjects which have few experts, and what experts there are disagree about almost every facet of the subjects.

Both subjects are too complex for us to put into boxes labelled biology, chemistry, physics, phylosophy, etc. Life and consciousness incorporate all those disciplines and more.

This series is an attempt to broaden our horizon by examining the examining the smallest particles from which all living things are made and the enigma of consciousness.

The first book ‘A Brief History of Life’ has already been published.

The second and final book ‘A Brief History of Consciousness’ is due to be published in Autumn 2024.

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A BRIEF HISTORY OF LIFE: From The Origin of Life To The End Of The Universe – Life is too complex for us to put it into boxes labelled biology, chemistry, physics, etc. Life incorporates all those disciplines and more and this popular science book looks at life from two different perspectives. Inwardly, it examines the smallest particles from which all living things are made. Outwardly, it considers our place in the vastness of our universe.

Life is a self-sustained chemical system capable of undergoing evolution.

Richard Underwood, 2022

A BRIEF HISTORY OF CONSCIOUSNESS (Publication Expected Spring 2025) – Consciousness appears to be something more than the simple interaction of our brain cells, but the cause, purpose, and location of our consciousness are all hotly disputed by scientists. This book examines current research into consciousness and the scientific evidence as to what it is and how it works.

Consciousness is the awareness of past and present experiences, sensations, and emotions, combined with anticipation of future experiences, sensations, and emotions.

Consciousness is what makes ‘me’ unique from all the other living things in the world. It is the sum of everything I can remember and can call to mind, everything I am currently experiencing and thinking about, and all the things that make me feel what it feels like to be me.

Richard Underwood, 2024